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  • Return policy

Please refer to the full B2C Terms of Sale for more details. For business customers, please refer to our B2B Terms of Sale.

If any Goods you have purchased do not comply and, for example, have faults or are damaged when you receive them, or if you receive incorrect (or incorrectly priced) Goods, please contact Us at as soon as possible to inform Us of the fault, damage or error, and to arrange for a refund, repair or replacement.  Your available remedies will be as follows:

Your Right to Cancel

The legal cooling-off period ends 14 calendar days after the day on which you receive the Goods.

If you wish to exercise your right to cancel, you must inform Us of your decision within the cooling-off period and return the Goods to us unused and in its original condition.

Please note that you must bear the costs of returning Goods to Us if cancelling.

Refunds will be issued to you within 14 calendar days upon receiving the returned Goods.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee 

Beginning on the day that you receive the Goods (and ownership of them) you have a 30 calendar day right to reject the Goods and to receive a full refund after returning the Goods to us if they do not conform as stated, as long as it is in its original condition, including undamaged packaging.

If you do not wish to reject the Goods, or if the 30 calendar day rejection period has expired, you may request a repair of the Goods or a replacement.  We will bear any associated costs and will carry out the repair or replacement within a reasonable time and without significant inconvenience to you.  In certain circumstances, where a repair or replacement is impossible or otherwise disproportionate, We may instead offer you the alternative (i.e. a replacement instead of a repair or vice versa) or a refund.  If you request a repair or replacement during the 30 calendar day rejection period, that period will be suspended while We carry out the repair or replacement and will resume on the day that you receive the replacement or repaired Goods.  If less than 7 calendar days remain out of the original period, it will be extended to 7 calendar days.

If, after a repair or replacement, the Goods still do not conform (or if We cannot do so as previously described, or have failed to act within a reasonable time or without significant inconvenience to you), you may have the right either to keep the Goods at a reduced price, or to reject them in exchange for a refund.

If you exercise the final right to reject the goods more than six months after you have received the Goods (and ownership of them), We may reduce any refund to reflect the use that you have had out of the Goods.

Within a period of 6 months after you have received the Goods (and ownership of them), if the Goods do not last a reasonable length of time, you may be entitled to a partial refund.  Please be aware that after 6 months have passed since you received the Goods, the  burden of proof will be on you to prove that the defect or non-conformity existed at the time of delivery.

Refunds normally will be issued within 14 calendar days of the day on which We agree that you are entitled to the refund. 

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